POLITO group has published a paper in the Journal Materials Chemistry and Physics. The paper, Evaluation of Mater Bi and Polylactic Acid as materials for biodegradable innovative mini-radiosondes to track small scale fluctuations within clouds, is a product of a collaboration between Politecnico di Torino and Italian Institute of Technology, where the ESR, Tessa Chiara Basso, has done her secondment and did her research work on the materials suitable for the mini-radiosondes.
Authors of the paper are: T.C.Basso, G. Perotto, C. Musacchio, A. Merlone, A. Athanassiou, D. Tordella
Link to the paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0254058420307793?dgcid=author