ESR4 - The effect of buoyancy on the dynamics of aerosols and particles
Numerical study (Direct Numerical Simulation) of the interaction between the flow interface and an approximately collocated buoyancy interface
Influence of the nonlinear dependence of buoyancy on mixing fraction in clouds, and how these enhance/reduce turbulent exchange
Dynamics of buoyant inertial particles
Expected Results
Parameterisations of the dynamics of aerosols/droplets for incorporation in GCMs and atmospheric dispersion models
Turbulence models for LES/RANS
Planned secondment(s)
TAU (Tel Aviv) Month 30-32: set up their case in the DNS and compare
POLITO (Torino) Month: 22-24: develop model for droplet coalescence
My role in the project as ESR 4 involves the computational study of cloud-environment interface by setting up and performing Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent mixing at cloud edges. Entrainment/detrainment across the interface by taking into account both thermodynamics and cloud microphysics, will also be studied.
Dynamics of Subsiding Shells in Shallow Cumulus Clouds with Updrafts
My role in the project as ESR 4 involves the computational study of cloud-environment interface by setting up and performing Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent mixing at cloud edges. Entrainment/detrainment across the interface by taking into account both thermodynamics and cloud microphysics, will also be studied.