May 1, 2024

We are pleased to announce the recent publication of a paper authored by
Marco Boetti in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
Marco’s paper, titled "Pair dispersion of inertial particles crossing stably
stratified turbulent/non-turbulent interface”, presents groundbreaking research
on the study of the pair dispersion of inertial particles crossing two-layer stably
stratified turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces (STNTI) of finite thickness. The
goal is to investigate two-particle dispersion, a problem of great importance in a
wide range of applications, within very complex flows. STNTI flows are in fact
constituted not only by non-homogeneous turbulence and density stratification,
but also by effects generated by their interaction, such as internal waves. The
problem is addressed numerically, two direct numerical simulations (DNS) of
STNTI flow are performed.

For more details on Marco’s paper
and to access the full publication, please refer to

Congratulations to Marco on this noteworthy accomplishment, and we look
forward to seeing more of his impactful work in the future.