PhD at the Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Title: Analysis and Modeling of Small-Scale Turbulence
Link: AkinlabiPhDThesis.pdf
Master degree in Mathematical Sciences (2016).
Specialization: Bio-fluids and Numerical simulation
Institution: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Senegal
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (2014)
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Institution: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria.
The project is aimed at numerical modeling of transport and interactions of Stokes particles, such as cloud droplets and other aerosols (WP 3, 4). In high Reynolds number flows, say in a cumulus cloud, there is a gap of 2-4 decades between the Kolmogorov scale and the size of transported droplets. Therefore, even Direct Numerical Simulations of the flow require sub-grid scale (SGS) modelling to account for droplet transport and interactions within one grid cell. In DNS, although not straightforward, this modelling is conceptually tractable as the SGS flow is laminar and, essentially, linear. The SGS modelling of Stokes particles in LES is a major theoretical challenge as the SGS flow, unlike in the DNS, is complex and multi-scale. The project will concern theoretical and numerical modelling of the dispersed phase dynamics in LES simulations of the continuous phase flow (WP 3, 4, 5). We will focus on the correct modelling of collisions and coalescence of Stokes particles in turbulent flows comparing SGS models in true LES with filtered DNS simulations (a priori LES analysis) as the reference results.
PhD at the Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Title: Analysis and Modeling of Small-Scale Turbulence
Link: AkinlabiPhDThesis.pdf
I was born in Lagos – a popular city in the south-western part of Nigeria. I had my elementary, high school and bachelor degree education in Nigeria. After my bachelor degree, I got the Next Einstein Initiative Scholarship to pursue a Masters degree in Senegal. My first trip out of Africa was in 2016 when I got a research internship position at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany.
My background is in Applied Mathematics (Fluid Mechanics and Numerical Simulation) with a master thesis on the simulation of cerebrospinal fluid using finite pointset method.
In 2017, I made a remarkable transition in my research career, pursuing PhD degree in Atmospheric Physics and working as an early stage researcher in the COMPLETE project. A new phase has just started...
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