ENV Technologies S.r.l. (EST) has been established in 2006 as a spin-off of Politecnico di Torino. ENV Technologies operates in innovative technological solution engineering in the framework of environmental and safety applications, with particular focus on sensors and simulations, including prototyping and production of small series.

Perona Giovanni

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)
Former Professor of Electronics and Telecommunications at Politecnico di Torino



Vice President of CINFAI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Fisica delle Atmosfere e delle Idrosfere)  http://www.cinfai.it/


Bertoldo Silvano

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)
Assistant Researcher

Early Stage Researchers

ESR12 - Design, development and testing of ultra-light floating disposable radiosondes for atmospheric monitoring
  1. Testing on the field of the sensing probes.
  2. Pre-processing of data acquired by the ground station.



Ph.D in Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

Title: Electronic design of innovative mini ultralight radio probes aimed at tracking lagrangian turbulence fluctuations within warm clouds